We are a lab that gets excited about science.

If you've got grit and a can-do attitude, contact Darcie for more information on specific projects.


Graduate students

Prospective graduate students who would like to join our lab can apply to one of the following programs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison:

Neuroscience Training Program (https://ntp.neuroscience.wisc.edu/)

Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (http://molpharm.wisc.edu/)

Cellular and Molecular Biology (http://www.cmb.wisc.edu/)


Postdoctoral fellows
Highly motivated, hard-working recent Ph.D. graduates with a strong record of publication in neuroscience, molecular or cellular biology, stem cell biology or other applicable field are welcome to apply for this position. Applications are particularly encouraged from candidates who have experience in some of the following areas: microscopy, single cell RNA seq, high throughput imaging, primary cell culture, virus production, cloning and small animal surgical procedures. Applicants with expertise outside of this area are welcome to send their materials with suggested projects utilizing their skill sets. Outstanding oral and written communication skills are required. Applicants are encouraged to obtain their own funding once joining the lab.